I was asked by my friend Leslie, who is a very talented clothing designer, to design a logo specifically to be made into garment labels to sew into her one of a kind clothing. This was to be done remotely since she is in NYC and I am in California.
First step in the process is for me to understand how the logo will be used, her expectations of the project, timeline and budget. We were able to accomplish this via email knowing that if we needed to we could call.
I asked for some images of logos and typography that she found pleasing as well as colors she liked. She had a great tagline and a story of a nick name a friend gave her that she shared with me.
Her expectations were something simple, easy to read with playful sophistication. After exploration of different fonts and placement of the letters with the tagline, too. This is final logo that were printed into garment labels and could be used for any type of marketing collateral. It was great fun to collaborate with her on this project.